Planet Coaster

This was the most lovely game I ever worked on. Such a committed and lovely band of game developers. I have never had such a diverse project in terms of rigs and game systems up until that point. It was a tech artists dream to work on.

Position: Tech Artist
Studio: Frontier Developments
Period: Mar 2017 – Sep 2019
Duration: 1,5 years



My main contribution to Planet Coaster was that of Main Rigger. The game was already shipped, but due to popular demand, it required a dedicated team to support it post launch.

Prototyping new rides

Every ride was unique and required the collaboration of every discipline. I got handled control of the Rides pipeline after the first 2 successful DLC packs and had a blast maxing out the scope of what it meant to be a Ride in this game.


To speed up and ease production, I made a pipeline tool to support the various steps to get Rides, Mascots and Props into the game and iterate on them with as little hassle as I could manage.


Planet coaster has a thriving and loving community. I worked on a number of DLC packs, including Ghost Busters. With every pack, we pushed the game engine to its limits.

For more about Planet Coaster

Planet Coaster